Kitchen Essentials

Home App

The Home app for Kitchen Essentials provides you a quick snapshot of the time and weather. It is the default screen shown when you start.

alt text

Picture callouts

  1. The title bar
    The title bar shows the name of the current app and provides access to the other apps. The icons on the left side are the other apps, while the icons on the right control the volume, open up the settings for the current app, and show the other options for the current app.
  2. This displays the current default city (configured in the Weather app) and the weather details.
  3. The current date and a snapshot of the calendar
  4. The button bar for the current app.

Button bar definitions

Button Description
Calc Runs the built-in Android Calculator.
Scrn Off Turns off the screen.
Show Info Describes information.
Show Logs Displays the current log file.
Close Shuts down Kitchen Essentials.
How to Navigates to this help page.